Alli&Ali Designs

I have a new sponsor. Well, not exactly a sponsor, but kinda. In exchange for writing reviews of hairstyles, Alli&Ali Designs Mainstore will give me new styles as they come out with them. And Alice Klinger, the proprietor and designer, has found a way to really reduce the sizes of her styles so that they won’t cause as much lag across sims.

As I review each style, I’ll show you front, back, and side views of that particular style, along with any special features. This will be in addition to my normal posts, so they’ll keep coming.

Today we’re featuring bangs. Specifically Miranda Bangs.

A&A Miranda Bangs All Colors-pic

These bangs are an add-on, which means they go with any hairstyle. The complete set as pictured above sells for $900. Its permissions are: COPY, MOD, NO TRANS.

If you prefer, you can buy individual color sets for $150. Its permissions are: COPY, MOD, NO TRANS.

Miranda 01


Miranda 02


Miranda 03

Here, I’m modeling Miranda Bangs with the Debby Ponytail, but they truly go with any style.

Finally, if you TP over to the A&A Mainstore, you can grab a free copy in Blond Pink. While you’re there, grab a copy of their free hair bases, which contains over 40 different color tattoos you can use to match just about every hair color A&A sells. They work on both Classic avatars as well as the Maitreya Lara body.

Alice is always posting new styles to add to the 900 existing styles already there, so be sure to drop by frequently.

And, of course, new styles and promos are always reviewed here as well.

And that’s it for today!


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